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Clutch kit

Catalog Number: AC1230
Fits: WC, WD, WD45 (up to SN: 99647), WF; Replaces: Throw-out Bearing: 70204829, 204829, Pilot Bearing: 70226859, 226859, Clutch: 70226764, 70227074, 210298, 219646, 207199, 204838, 226764, 227074, Press Plate: 70230506, 70208286, 204837, 207196, 216019, 230506, 70216791, 208286, 216791, 204842

This clutch kit includes a new pressure plate, new clutch disc, throw-out bearing, and pilot bearing (does not include pilot bushing used instead of bearing on WC & WF). The dimensions are: 10" diameter, 1-1/4" diameter - 10 splined clutch hub, 6 spring pressure plate, and the pilot bearing has a 0.984" I.D. and a 2.047" O.D.
Price:  $629.03 each

Call to Order: 866-235-1979
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