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Carburetor Float For Allis Chalmers: B, C, CA, D10, D12, D14, D15, IB, RC, WC, WD, WF. Replaces Allis Chalmers PN#: 223920, 70223920 Fits Marvel Schebler Carb#: 0-12799, 0-12824, 0-12911, 0-12915, 0-12952, 0-13004, 0-13007, 0-13028, 0-13030, 0-13056, 0-13094, 0-13166, 0-13181K, 0-13215, 0-13246, 0-13271, 0-13276, 0-13286, 0-13297, 0-13308, 0-13315, 0-13324, 0-13379, 0-3009, 0-3292, 10012A, 10022A, 10034A, 10034B, 10034C, 10034D, 10034E, 10034F, 10057A, 10074A, 10074B, 10081A, 10081B, 10089A, 10089B, 10091A, 10102A, 10102B, 10123A, 10129A, 10131A, 10135A, 10147A, 10147B, 10147C, 10148A, 10149A, 10172A, 10172B, 10173A, 10173B, 10174A, 10174B, 10175A, 10175B, 10266A, 10281A, 10281B, 10315A, 10315B, 10317A, 10386A, 10386B, 10386C, 10409A, 10441A, 10457A, 10457B, 10477A, 10502A, 10514A, 10522A, 10535A, 10535B, 10536A, 10537A, 10537B, 10537C, 10537D, 10570A, 10570B, 10571A, 10586A, 10595A, 10595B, 10595C, 10620A, 10627A, 10627B, 10628A, 10642A, 10645A, 10646A, 10660A, 10660B, 10698A, 10699A, 10741A, 10741B, 10741C, 10748A, 10748B, 10748C, 10748D, 10764A, 10765A, 10783A, 10788A, 10788B, 10816A, 10816B, 10858A, 10858B, 10858C, 10860A, 10860B, 10860C, 10860D, 10878A, 10907A, 10907B, 10907C, 10907D, 10909K, 10926A, 10932A, 10953A, 10955A, 10955B, 10955C, 11003A, 11003B, 11003C, 11025A, 11025B, 11103A, 11115A, 11133A, 11133B, 11133C, 11146A, 11167A, 11185A, 11186A, 11188A, 11195A, 11257A, 11304A, 11304B, 11328A, 11328B, 11338A, 11338B, 11338C, 11339A, 11340A, 11372A, 11428A, 11474A, 11474B, 11487A, 11488A, 11522A, 11522B, 11544A, 11544B, 11560K, 11570A, 11571A, 11627A, 11627B, 11678A, 11678B, 11704A, 11704B, 11746A, 11750A, 11773A, 11812A, 11826A, 11910A, 11950A, 11981A, 12035A, 12068A, 12089A, 12089B, 12089C, 12108D, 12115A, 12115B, 12122A, 12122B, 12122C, 12123A, 12123B, 12188A, 12188B, 12188C, 12188D, 12188E, 12193A, 12225A, 12225B, 12262A, 12262B, 12262C, 12285A, 12319A, 12341A, 12341B, 12342A, 12342B, 12577A, 13181K, 61M2AE7, 9318A, 9623A, 9623B, 9635A, 9636A, 9640A, 9640B, 9640C, 9668A, 9668B, 9668C, 9725A, 9738A, 9738B, 9738C, 9738D, 9782A, 9796A, 9796B, 9802A, 9816A, 9817A, 9817B, 9824A, 9824B, 9845A, 9923A, 9995A, 9995B, 9995C, C85-28, S1007, S1043, S1043A, S1136, S1136A, S1162, S1203, S1204, S1221A, S1222A, S1223A, S1226, S1234, S1285, S1285A, S1285B, S1291, S1329, S1329A, S1329B, S1329C, S1335, S1335A, S1453, S1520, S1520A, S1538, S1538A, S1538B, S1538C, S1539, S1540, S1548, S1548A, S1548B, S340, S340A, S340B, S466, S466A, S467, S467A, S467B, S506, S506A, S506B, S569, S569A, S632, S632A, S632B, S632C, S656, S656A, S696, S696A, S697, S709, S709A, S717, S717A, S717B, S717C, S717D, S717E, S732, S732A, S732B, S732C, S732D, S821, S821A, S821B, S821C, S847, S906, S930, S930A, S948, S955, S955A, S972, 1098, 8561, 8627, 8691, 8781, 8928, 8979, 9167, 9318, 9492, 9507, 9544, 9572, 9622, 9623, 9628, 9635, 9636, 9640, 9667, 9668, 9672, 9676, 9698, 9705, 9706, 9707, 9722, 9725, 9738, 9748, 9749, 9750, 9751, 9752, 9782, 9793, 9796, 9797, 9802, 9804, 9805, 9816, 9817, 9821, 9824, 9830, 9845, 9879, 9880, 9882, 9909, 9923, 9931, 9937, 9938, 9963, 9976, 9980, 9984, 9985, 9988, 9995, 10001, 10002, 10003, 10004, 10005, 10006, 10007, 10012, 10022, 10025, 10034, 10035, 10049, 10050, 10057, 10069, 10074, 10081, 10089, 10091, 10093, 10099, 10102, 10106, 10112, 10117, 10118, 10120, 10123, 10129, 10131, 10132, 10133, 10135, 10136, 10137, 10138, 10139, 10140, 10145, 10146, 10147, 10148, 10149, 10152, 10172, 10173, 10174, 10175, 10207, 10212, 10219, 10220, 10224, 10226, 10231, 10234, 10247, 10248, 10257, 10266, 10281, 10289, 10295, 10311, 10315, 10317, 10386, 10388, 10392, 10398, 10424, 10432, 10438, 10441, 10457, 10477, 10498, 10502, 10507, 10514, 10515, 10522, 10532, 10535, 10536, 10537, 10543, 10560, 10570, 10571, 10586, 10595, 10604, 10610, 10620, 10621, 10624, 10627, 10628, 10631, 10642, 10645, 10646, 10648, 10652, 10660, 10672, 10673, 10694, 10697, 10698, 10699, 10704, 10707, 10724, 10731, 10734, 10735, 10737, 10741, 10748, 10763, 10764, 10765, 10766, 10767, 10773, 10774, 10775, 10776, 10788, 10809, 10811, 10816, 10840, 10843, 10847, 10850, 10856, 10857, 10858, 10859, 10860, 10866, 10878, 10886, 10887, 10902, 10903, 10907, 10913, 10926, 10932, 10947, 10953, 10955, 10961, 10981, 11025, 11041, 11080, 11091, 11097, 11103, 11106, 11115, 11133, 11135, 11141, 11142, 11146, 11151, 11153, 11158, 11167, 11171, 11185, 11186, 11188, 11206, 11214, 11247, 11286, 11294, 11304, 11328, 11331, 11332, 11336, 11337, 11338, 11339, 11340, 11347, 11352, 11372, 11389, 11399, 11415, 11424, 11425, 11428, 11444, 11465, 11468, 11474, 11485, 11487, 11488, 11490, 11494, 11506, 11522, 11528, 11543, 11544, 11548, 11570, 11571, 11593, 11595, 11608, 11611, 11627, 11632, 11637, 11666, 11678, 11688, 11699, 11704, 11709, 11721, 11728, 11729, 11734, 11735, 11746, 11748, 11750, 11755, 11767, 11772, 11773, 11774, 11775, 11776, 11778, 11799, 11811, 11812, 11817, 11826, 11835, 11837, 11840, 11848, 11850, 11867, 11879, 11882, 11896, 11910, 11938, 11945, 11948, 11950, 11952, 11954, 11981, 11982, 12003, 12020, 12023, 12024, 12035, 12068, 12078, 12089, 12090, 12095, 12096, 12098, 12105, 12108, 12115, 12118, 12122, 12123, 12124, 12158, 12167, 12180, 12188, 12193, 12199, 12225, 12228, 12229, 12235, 12236, 12238, 12239, 12252, 12253, 12261, 12262, 12285, 12289, 12300, 12319, 12326, 12331, 12340, 12341, 12342, 12357, 12358, 12359, 12360, 12376, 12401, 12408, 12453, 12466, 12475, 12492, 12493, 12517, 12522, 12544, 12547, 12564, 12566, 12577, 12586, 12612, 12613, 12621, 12632, 12658, 12665, 12682, 12690, 12699, 12702, 12716, 12737, 12742, 12749, 12750, 12764, 12773, 12774, 12790, 12799, 12824, 12911, 12915, 12952, 13004, 13007, 13009, 13028, 13030, 13056, 13094, 13166, 13215, 13246, 13271, 13276, 13286, 13292, 13297, 13308, 13315, 13324, 13379, 13718, 13781, 13794, 13800, 13876, 13877, 13878, 13879, 13880, 14007, 14011, 14015, 14025, 111003
Carburetor Float For Allis Chalmers: B, C, CA, D10, D12, D14, D15, IB, RC, WC, WD, WF
Model(s): B, C, CA, D10, D12, D14, D15, IB, WC, WD, WF
Fuel Sediment Bowl Assembly For Allis Chalmers: 190XT, 190 Gas and Diesel, D15 Gas SN#: 9001 and Up, D17 Gas SN#: 42001 and Up, D19 Gas SN#: 12001 and Up, D21, WD45, 170, 175, 180, 185, U Gas Only, UC. All Listed Models Using 2.315" Long Glass Bowl. Replaces Allis Chalmers PN#: 237946, 7027946. 3/8" Pipe Inlet, 1/8" Pipe Outlet.
Fuel Sediment Bowl Assembly For Allis Chalmers: 190XT, 190, D15, D17, D19, D21, WD45, 170, 175, 180, 185, U, UC.
Model(s): 170, 175, 180, 185, 190, 190XT, D15, D17, D19, ...
2-1/8\" OD
2.315\" length

D15	Gas (SN: 9001 and up), and All Diesel	
D17	Gas (SN: 42001 and up) and All Diesel	
D19	Gas (SN: 12001 and up) and All Diesel	
D21	Using 2.315 Tall Glass Bowl	
U	Using 2.315 Tall Glass Bowl	
UC	Using 2.315 Tall Glass Bowl	
WD45	Diesel Using 2.315 Tall Glass Bowl	
170	Diesel, Using 2.315 Tall Glass Bowl	
175	Diesel, Using 2.315 Tall Glass Bowl	
180	Diesel, Using 2.315 Tall Glass Bowl	
185	Diesel, Using 2.315 Tall Glass Bowl	
190	Using 2.315 Tall Glass Bowl	
190XT	Using 2.315 Tall Glass Bowl
Glass Bowl Fuel Pump Filter Holder - New Production
Choke Butterfly Disc For Allis Chalmers: B, C, CA, IB, RC, WD45. Replaces Allis Chalmers PN#: 70219984, 219984, Marvel Schebler Carb#: TSX101, TSX102, TSX103, TSX112, TSX113, TSX119, TSX120, TSX128, TSX13, TSX132, TSX132A, TSX133, TSX134, TSX136, TSX137, TSX138, TSX140, TSX141, TSX142, TSX144, TSX146, TSX147, TSX148, TSX151, TSX154, TSX155, TSX161, TSX173, TSX179, TSX180, TSX182, TSX183, TSX184, TSX185, TSX186, TSX188, TSX189, TSX191, TSX193, TSX194, TSX197, TSX206, TSX206-1, TSX228, TSX231, TSX237, TSX238, TSX239, TSX240, TSX241A, TSX241B, TSX241C, TSX248, TSX258, TSX264, TSX266, TSX269, TSX272, TSX278, TSX28, TSX280, TSX286, TSX287, TSX288, TSX289, TSX29, TSX290, TSX297, TSX30, TSX301, TSX305, TSX308, TSX309, TSX312, TSX314, TSX315, TSX322, TSX323, TSX326, TSX33, TSX330, TSX334, TSX335, TSX338, TSX339, TSX34, TSX341, TSX35, TSX352, TSX356, TSX357, TSX358, TSX359, TSX36, TSX361, TSX361A, TSX363, TSX367, TSX37, TSX370-1, TSX377, TSX38, TSX380, TSX388, TSX39, TSX398, TSX400, TSX403, TSX405, TSX406, TSX407, TSX418, TSX420, TSX421, TSX423, TSX428, TSX44, TSX443, TSX447, TSX448, TSX45, TSX453, TSX455, TSX458, TSX459, TSX464, TSX465, TSX470, TSX472, TSX48, TSX480, TSX481, TSX484, TSX49, TSX497, TSX500, TSX516, TSX520, TSX525, TSX526, TSX531, TSX54, TSX548, TSX55, TSX556, TSX567, TSX569, TSX570, TSX58, TSX580, TSX589, TSX59, TSX595, TSX60, TSX656, TSX671, TSX69, TSX691, TSX748, TSX76, TSX776, TSX776-1, TSX781, TSX787, TSX79, TSX793, TSX796, TSX80, TSX803, TSX818, TSX827, TSX83, TSX841, TSX85, TSX851, TSX88, TSX89, TSX90, TSX91, TSX94, TSX95, TSX95A, TSX96, TSX98, TSXU828, TSXU829, TSXU830, TSXU831, TSXU832, TSXU83. 1-5/16" Diameter
Choke Butterfly Disc For Allis Chalmers: B, C, CA, IB, RC, WD45
Model(s): B, C, CA, IB, WD45
Price: $35.10 each Price: $64.86 each Price: $23.56 each Price: $39.04 each
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Fits: [ D21, 170, 175, 190, 190XT, 210, 220 (with alternator driven tachometer) ]; Replaces: 251791, 251792, 256526, 70256526 

This cable is 64-1/2" long with square ends.
Tachometer Cable
New Water Pump and Gasket For Allis Chalmers: 170, 175. Pulley Not Included. 5/8"-18 Threaded Shaft. Casting#: 37711630
New Water Pump And Gasket For Allis Chalmers: 170, 175.
Model(s): 170, 175
10"X24" Rear Spin Out Rim For Oliver CA, D10, D12. Replaces Allis Chalmers PN#: 70225184, 225184.

Please check and measure your tractor closely because if this rim does not fit,  we do not pay return shipping on rims.
10"X24" Rear Spin Out Rim For Oliver CA, D10, D12.
Model(s): CA, D10, D12

Lower Right Side Grille Repair Corner For Allis Chlamers: WC, WD, WD45.
Model(s): WC, WD, WD45
Price: $63.53 each Price: $89.81 each Price: $997.50 each Price: $42.36 each
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Fits: D10, D12, D14, D15 (up to sn 9001), G; Replaces: 228859, 230872, 800487, 70230872, 70276661, 70800487 

1 Pair is for 1 wheel only
1 3/4" Wide
Riveted Brake Shoes (Pair)
Fits: Gas, LP w/ G138 & G149 Engines: D10, D12, D14, D15 (Up to SN: 9000), H3 (Up to SN: 6959), I40; Replaces: 70227563 

Sold per cylinder, order 4 for 4-cylinder engine.
Sleeve Sealing O Rings For 1 Cylinder
Fits: B, C, CA, D10, D12, D14, D15 (up to sn 9001), IB, RC, WC, WD, WD45, WF
FITS: ACS150, ACS152, ACS165, ACS205, IHS351B, IHS351R, IHS351B12V, IHS351R12V, IHS455, IHS473, JDS318V6, JDS318V12, JDS319V6, JDS319V12, JDS466, JDS467, JDS475, JDS476, JDS603 & JDS606, HEADLIGHTS----measures 4 1/2" or 4 3/4", depending on how you measure (directly across the top of the housing, or over the curve of the lense.)---"GUIDE" DISPLAYS NEAR BOTTOM OF LENS --- INTERCHANGEABLE WITH THE ORIGINAL --- DIMPLED OUTER SURFACE
4-3/4" Curved Lens With "Guide" Name -- Fits Many Models And Brands
Fits: B, C, IB, RC 
Carb Mfg #'s - 10698A, 10902A, 10903A, 9705, 9706, 9804, 10697, 10698, OEM Carb #: 211954, 212844, 212845, 224640, 224641 
Fits the listed Zenith carbs***Make sure to find your carb manufacturer number in the list above, If your number is not in this list, this kit is not the correct kit for your application.*** Kit contains: Choke and throttle shafts, needle and seat valve, float lever pin, miscellaneous plugs and screws, throttle shaft seals and gaskets
Complete Carburetor Repair Kit (Zenith)
Price: $198.97 each Price: $14.61 each Price: $32.50 each Price: $92.50 each
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Allis Chalmers Tractors D19, D21, 170, 175,180,185, 190, 190XT,  200, 210, 220
 Chrome Bezel, Illuminated gauge (6 or 12Volt)
Allis-Chalmers Fuel Gauge - D19, D21, 170, 175, 180, 185, 190, 190XT, 200, 210, 220
Fits: D17 (Up to SN: 42000), WD, WD45 (Gas & Diesel); Replaces: 70218573, 70227502, 70232585 

2 used per tractor, sold individually.
1-1/2" bore with keyway
2.860" wide
7.875" O.D.
Our Allis Chalmers brake drums are made from ductile iron which is far superior to cast iron brake drums.
Brake Drum
Rain Cap, 2-3/4" to 2-15/16" ID 

Fits pipe OD of 2-3/4" to 2-15/16"
Rain Cap, 2-3/4" to 2-15/16" ID
6 Volt External Voltage Regulator For Allis Chalmers: D10 Up to SN#: 3501, D12 Up to SN#: 3001, D14 Up to SN#: 19001. Replaces Allis Chalmers PN#: 70228365, 228365.
6 Volt External Voltage Regulator For Allis Chalmers: D10, D12, D14.
Model(s): D10, D12, D14
Price: $41.61 each Price: $114.90 each Price: $35.00 each Price: $69.98 each
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Chrome Exhaust Stack For Allis Chalmers: B, C, CA, D10, D14, D15 Up to SN#: 9001, IB, RC.
Straight Chrome Exhaust Stack For Allis Chalmers: B, C, CA, D10, D14, D15, IB, RC
Model(s): B, C, CA, D10, D12, D14, D15, IB
Fits: D15 (Series II; gas; SN: 13001 and up; with generator); Replaces: 70237839, 70237840 

Includes light wires and diagram. Original style braiding with soldered terminals. Restoration quality.
Wiring Harness Kit
AC Combines - Fits: fits all gas or LP: 60, 60A, 60H, 66, 72, 90 
AC Miscellaneous - Fits: fits gas or LP : TL6 (loader), fits the following gas and LP Power units: B116, B125, B15, G138, G149, G160 
Allis Chalmers - Fits: fits all gas or LP unless specified: B, C, CA, D10, D12, D14, D15 (gas only), D272, H3, I40, I400, I60, I600, IB, RC, fits the following gas and LP forklifts: 500, 510, 510, 512, 514, 521, 600, 610, 612, 614, 615, 621, 630, RT40; Replaces: 207843, 223531, 70207843, 70223531 

2.465" overall length.
Oil Pump Rotor Shaft
Fits: D10, D12, D14, D15, D17, D19, D21, [ 170, 175, 180, 185, 190, 190XT, 210, 220 (If using 2 piece seat without arm rests) ]; Replaces: 236461, 70236461 

Restoration quality seat cushion with powder coated steel backing. Cushions are embossed like original. High quality stitching.
Bottom Cushion
Price: $194.75 each Price: $459.84 each Price: $103.23 each Price: $201.81 each
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